Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tokio Hotel - Humanoid

I know a lot of people hate Tokio Hotel for some odd reason but I LOVE them! I love how they are from Germany, yet unless you knew you could never tell English wasn't their first language, I love the variety of music you get, and I can't deny my love for Tom Kaulitz, I just can't.

I've always been one of those people who likes intro's and "Noise" definitely constitutes as an intro to me. The oddity of the track and the line "make some noise, humanoid" is kind of like a Grand Stand Show where they repeat the title over and over before the show begins but you get all excited anyways, so thanks for that Tokio Hotel. The natural transition point from the intro is Dark Side Of The Sun and Tokio Hotel gets that, the album has such clean transitions, it's not choppy and you feel like the cd itself is just one big presentation rather than tracks changing each time with no flow. A lot of albums don't grasp this and it's upsetting because they could be so much more with song arrangement. The only placement downfall in this album is putting their two heavy hitters near the beginning (Automatic and World Behind My Wall), because those people who don't really appreciate the band and just like what they see on tv will discard the album after hearing what they need, granted neither of the songs are appropriate end points but I feel that they need to be split up.

The songs themselves on the album are definitely up to par with their last album, Scream. They have transformed themselves into a more pop-esque band but it's to be excpected with their growing fame, as long as they don't completely sell out (Cough, Faber Drive...) they are still great in my books. I know that aren't the same Tokio Hotel I listened to in 2005 when I had an urge to learn German and I thought foreign music would help, but they have adapted well to their success and I see them sticking around for at least two more high selling albums. As for the cover art, I'm no cover whore but this cover is not appealing to me. Bill Kaulitz gets far too much attention as it is, I mean the least they could do is put the rest of the band on the cover. I'm not a big fan of Bill and please don't say I'm a homophobe because he's not gay and that's not the reason. I don't want to rant about him but yeah, he just makes me angry which is probably why I don't like the cover but it's also just a cover that doesn't stand out to me, I wouldn't see it in a music store first thing, I'd have to look and that bothers me greatly. I do recommend the album however, because Tokio Hotel gets put down so much and their music is so unique and they are awesome, so give Humanoid a listen and make me proud :)

Peace out music freaks,


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